Leukeran is administered orally. See prescribing information for full details.
Prescribing Restrictions:
Hodgkin's disease, certain forms of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, Waldenstrom's macroglobulinaemia, advanced varian adenocarcinoma and breast cancer.
In view of the seriousness of the indication there are no absolute contra-indications.
Special Precautions:
Leukeran is an active cytotoxic agent for use only under the direction of physicians experienced in the administration of such agents. Blood counts should be closely monitored. Should not be given to patients who have recently undergone radiotherapy or received other cytotoxic agents. Children with nephrotic syndrome, patients prescribed high pulse dosing regimens and patients with a history of seizure disorder, should be closely monitored. Patients with evidence of impaired renal function should be carefully monitored. Should not be given to patients with conditions other than chronic lymphatic leukemia or malignant lymphomas. Should be avoided whenever possible during pregnancy. The potential hazard to the fetus must be balanced against the expected benefit to the mother. Mothers receiving therapy should not breastfeed. See prescribing information for full details.
Side Effects:
Bone marrow suppression, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and oral ulceration occur infrequently. Urticaria and angioneurotic edema. Fever, peripheral neuropathy, interstitial pneumonia and sterile cystitis. Infertility, leukemia and secondary malignancies. Tremors, muscular twitching, confusion, agitation, ataxia, flaccid paresis and hallucinations have been reported as rare. See prescribing information for full details.
Drug Interactions:
Patients who receive phenylbutazone may require a reduction of the standard chlorambucil doses because of the possibility of enhanced chlorambucil toxicity.